The Law Offices of G. Wayne VanBibber & Associates is proud to announce the addition of yet another valuable Family Law Free Resource to our website. As always, we offer our Family Law Calculators for free. Our first Free Resource was an on-line Child Support Calculator:
http://vanbibberlaw.com/child-support-calculator Paper forms available from the courts can be complicated and may take hours to complete. We hear from many who have given up and called for assistance. However, in just a few minutes on our website you can get a rough estimate of child support in basic shared parenting cases. At no charge to you!

FREE WEST VIRGINIA ALIMONY CALCULATOR Our newest Family Law Resource is the WV Alimony Calculator.
You should know there are many factors that can affect the decision of a West Virginia Family Judge such as:
- Duration of the marriage;
- Period of time during which the spouses actually cohabitated;
- Income of the spouses;
- Income-earning abilities of each of the parties, based upon such factors as educational background, training, employment skills, work experience, length of absence from the job market and custodial responsibilities for children;
- Property awarded by agreement or by the court;
- Ages and the health condition of each party;
- Educational qualifications of each party;
- Postponement of education by one spouse to further the earning capacity of the other;
- Standard of living established while married;
- Likelihood that the party seeking spousal support, child support or separate maintenance can substantially increase his or her income-earning abilities within a reasonable time by acquiring additional education or training;
- Financial or other contribution made by either party to the education, training, vocational skills, career or earning capacity of the other party;
- Anticipated expense of obtaining the education and training;
- Educational costs of any children;
- Health care cost for the children;
- Tax ramifications to each party;
- The extent to which it would be inappropriate for a party, because said party will be the custodian of a minor child or children, to seek employment outside the home;
- Financial need of each party;
- Legal obligations of each party to support himself or herself and to support any other person;
- Costs and care associated with a minor or adult child's physical or mental disabilities; and
- Such other factors as the court deems necessary or appropriate to consider in order to arrive at a fair and equitable grant of spousal support, child support or separate maintenance.
Fast, Easy & Free Our FAST, EASY and FREE Alimony Calculator may be used to quickly provide a rough estimate on how WV Courts will adjudicate in your Divorce case. However, to get a more accurate idea of the alimony you may expect to receive or pay as part of a divorce, please contact our offices at: (304) 757-3330. We would like to thank the web geniuses at WEBrilliance.com for their expertise in crafting these Family Law calculators for The Law Offices of G. Wayne Van Bibber & Associates.

Trust the full-service, statewide personal injury law firm who so many have trusted over the years: Law Offices of G. Wayne Van Bibber & Associates, PLLC in Hurricane. Our outstanding lawyers serve clients in greater Charleston, Teays Valley and throughout West Virginia. If we can be of any assistance, please call our offices at (304) 757-3330 to speak with one of our attorneys. CALL THE LAW OFFICES OF G. WAYNE VAN BIBBER & ASSOCIATES Call today or visit our website for more information Sincerely, G. Wayne Van Bibber
The Law Offices of G. Wayne Van Bibber and Associates
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