Responsible drivers, like yourself, carry sufficient auto insurance to protect themselves and others in the event of an accident. Sadly, even though West Virginia law has mandatory minimum coverage requirements, these minimums are insufficient to cover a serious accident. If you are seriously injured by someone carrying one of these $20,000.00 policies (or no insurance at all) you could be left holding the bag. If you are serious about protecting yourself and your family from driver's with inadequate or no insurance, you owe it to yourself to read on.
We have handled hundreds of car accident cases over the last 20+ years and helped our clients recover millions of dollars. All too often we have seen clients injured by driver's with little or no insurance coverage. This article is intended to help you avoid this disasterous situation and is part of what the Law Offices of G. Wayne Van Bibber and associates does everyday to “protect you and your family”. If you or a family member have been hurt in an automobile accident our firm will put all of our resources to work for you. However, the best, first step can be taken by you before an accident occurs. Purchasing adequate insurance coverage is the most important thing you can do to protect yourself. Uninsured motorist coverage is the part of your policy that covers you for losses caused by a driver with no insurance. Underinsured motorists coverage protects you from losses caused by a driver who has insurance, but does not not have high enough policy limits to cover the magnitude of your losses. Without adequate uninsured/underinsured auto insurance, you can be at financial risk if you are ever hit by an uninsured motorist or by someone without proper coverage. This is much more common than you might think. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners reports in West Virginia 8.4 percent are uninsured. Nationally, 12.6 percent, or one in eight drivers, are uninsured. If you or your family drive, those should be sobering statistics. Let's say you're driving to the store today and some uninsured 19-year old plows into the side of your car. This scenario happens all too often, and in many cases, those who are hit by an uninsured driver may find they are stuck with expensive medical bills and other costs. That is, unless you have uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage. It's affordable insurance that should be a part of everyone's policy. You need to have some recourse. To protect yourself and your family from the financial disaster of a car accident, one of the most important things you can do is to know your policy limits and whether you have enough underinsured motorist coverage. Underinsured motorist coverage protects you and your passengers in the event that your losses exceed the policy limits of the driver at fault. In West Virginia, drivers are only required to maintain bodily injury liability limits of $20,000 per person and $40,000 per accident. Also, drivers must also maintain property damage liability coverage of $10,000. However, sometimes these minimum policy limits are not enough to cover the lost income and medical bills caused by an auto accident. Although West Virginia law requires all drivers to maintain a minimum amount of Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury and Property Damage coverage, our state does not require drivers to maintain Underinsured coverage. Don't find out you aren't protected until after it's too late. Take a look at your policy or talk to your insurance agent to determine if you have underinsured coverage, and, if so, in what amount. You should buy all the coverage you can afford. This type of coverage is more affordable than you might think and is for your protection. I have seen cases where a person could have increased their coverage from $20,000.00 to $100,000.00 for an extra $10 or $20 per month and chose not to. That person was then in a devastating accident caused by a driver with the mandatory minimum liability limits of $20,000.00. Think about it, could you afford to pay 40 or 50 thousand dollars in medical bills and loose wages of another 30 or 40 thousand and be stuck with a check for only $20,000.00 from this dead beats insurance company? Most of us could not afford this. This is where your own underinsured motorist coverage kicks in. It pays everything above the deadbeats $20,000.00 up to the dollar amount you select. For example, say the fair compensation for your pain and suffering, medical bills and lost wages would be $120,000.00. You would get the deadbeats $20,000.00 of liability coverage and $100,000.00 from your underinsured coverage. You are mad whole and your cost per month to add this coverage is probably less than $20.00 per month. It's a no brainer. If you've already been in an accident due to someone else's negligence, call The Law Offices of G. Wayne Van Bibber. Our experienced attorneys will help you obtain full and fair compensation. At the Law Offices of G. Wayne Van Bibber & Associates, PLLC, we file claims to hold negligent motorists, physicians, property managers, employers, product manufacturers and pet owners accountable for the injuries they can cause. When you are injured on the road, in a hospital, on an unsafe walkway or at your job, you should contact our law firm immediately. Mr. Van Bibber has successfully protected the rights of injured West Virginians for more than 21 years. He has the experience, client commitment and reputation for results that can make a difference in your case. Best of all we have a no fee guarantee! There is no fee unless we win your personal injury case. We work hard to achieve full financial compensation for you when you are seriously injured in:
- Automobile accidents
- Trucking and commercial carrier accidents
- Motorcycle accidents
- Slip and fall accidents (premises liability)
- Medical malpractice
- Workplace accidents
- Defective product accidents
- Dog bite accidents
You can benefit from our team approach, by contacting us today. Our team of accident investigators helps us identify the negligent party in your case. We have access to teams of medical providers who can speed your recovery and keep your health care bills under control. We offer free consultations to personal injury clients and deliver our services on a contingency fee basis. You owe no attorney's fees unless we win compensation in your case. Trust the full-service, statewide personal injury law firm The Law Offices of G. Wayne Van Bibber & Associates, PLLC in Hurricane. Our outstanding lawyer serves clients in greater Charleston, Teays Valley and throughout West Virginia. If we can be of any assistance, please call our offices at (304) 757-3330 to speak with one of our attorneys. CALL THE LAW OFFICES OF G. WAYNE VAN BIBBER & ASSOCIATES Call today or visit our website for more information Sincerely, G. Wayne Van Bibber
The Law Offices of G. Wayne Van Bibber and Associates
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